Is It Really A Lab? |
Is It Really A Lab? There are no test tubes, particle accelerators or white coats in this lab. What we do have is what any lab needs; the right tools to understand the world around us. Market research is our microscope into viewer and consumer attitudes and behavior. Yes. It’s a lab. One that helps communications and entertainment companies collect and interpret the information they need to make the best decisions in today’s competitive marketplace. What We’re Really Good At We understand the media business from both ends and can provide insight to maximize value to both viewers (or users for interactive media) and advertisers or other funders. When we do research, we begin with a complete understanding of the business reasons for doing the project—and make sure the outcome supports our clients’ needs.
119 Cherry Lane Teaneck, NJ 07666 |
Phone: (201)833-9607 |
Feldman Research Lab |